Wednesday, October 31, 2007

1st November 2007. Cocking Update #4. Not quite the blitzkrieg we were expecting!

Well here we are again in balmy November. The grass is still growing (thanks global warming) and the leaves are resolutely staying on the trees until next next February. But despite the looming disasters that are bound to kill us all in the next month or two - GW, obesity (in my case anyway), MRSA, the world lard shortage etc.... - the community of cocking colleagues is continuing its stirling, if somewhat leisurely, march towards taking over the world.

The sad, lonely lives of more than 850 individuals have now been enhanced by our efforts to bring cock to the global village. More than 500 of them having come back for second helpings. The popularity of our on-line resources is growing by the week and the restructuring that is now complete (no more bright ideas please Tim) has successfully raised our profile.

What we need now is for those of us on the register of cocking colleagues (all 25ish of us) need to think of ways to raise our profile without spending any money. In the last few weeks, we have submitted e-mails and letters to Viz and The Sun; both of whom have ignored our fragile attempts at marketing and we've put ourselves on-line with the "young people" by registering a presence on my-face or book-picture or whatever the hell that social networking disease site thing is called.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Andy W for capturing October's cock of the Month award with his first ever entry to thingscalledcock. A smashing contribution that we've all enjoyed. Let's wish him well in his cocking career and hope that he doesn't have to move house again before he offers up his next flahing neon illuminated cock!

Well done everyone - KEEP COCKING!

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